List of Swedish consorts

As Queen of Sweden (Swedish Sveriges drottning ) is called in Swedish constitutional law and court protocol since the Middle Ages, either the wife of a Swedish king or queen ( regent ), which itself is the head of state of Sweden.


Until January 1, 1980 was the male succession in the Swedish law of succession. Female offspring were only to train if no male heir was available. In Swedish history, there were only three queens who were also rulers. Only with change of Successionsordning 1810, adopted in 1979, the primacy of male succession was abandoned. The previous agnatic succession was abandoned in favor of equal primogeniture. Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden is therefore currently in first place of the Swedish throne.


The duties of the Queen as the wife of the king were purely ceremonial and state law not regulated. The Queen had but since the Reformation, like all members of the royal family "pure evangelical faith " be. The position at court was heavily dependent on their personality. With the death of her husband, the widowed queen retained her title in the rule. They usually remained part of the Hofprotokolls and continued to take ceremonial functions was.


The term drottning for Queen exists only in the Scandinavian languages ​​. She is the feminine form of the drott ( Old Swedish drott, icelandic Drottinn, Old High German truhtin ), with the one in Scandinavia called a liable for military service princes or petty king in former times. This term handed down in the masculine form Drost until the late Middle Ages to refer to a senior official. He was finally abolished in Sweden until 1809.

Chronological List of Swedish queens from 1210 to today

See also

  • List of the Kings of Sweden