List of The Legend of Korra episodes

This list of episodes of The Legend of Korra contains all episodes of American fantasy animated series The Legend of Korra, sorted by the U.S. Air Date. The television series currently includes a Season with 26 episodes.


Season 1

The first broadcast of the first twelve episodes (Book 1: Air) was seen from 14 April to 23 June 2012 at the American broadcaster Nickelodeon. The German -speaking first broadcast of the first book (air) sent the German -speaking Nickelodeon from August 26 to November 11, 2012.

The first broadcast of the remaining 14 episodes ( Book 2: Spirits ) was shown from September 13 to November 22, 2013, the American broadcaster Nickelodeon. The German -speaking first broadcast of the second book (ghost ) send the German Nickelodeon channel since February 19, 2014.

Season 2

In July 2012, Nickelodeon ordered 26 more episodes, which together form the second season. The squadron consists of the books three and four, and to bring to a conclusion the series.
