Little Belt Bridge

55.5167759.7095083333333Koordinaten: 55 ° 31 ' 0.4 "N, 9 ° 42' 34.2 " E


Little Belt

The Lillebæltsbroen (also the gamle Little Belt ) is a 1935 completed a combined road and railway bridge over the Little Belt in Middelfart, Denmark and connects the peninsula of Jutland with Funen. The bridge section has a total length of 1178 meters. It consists of a 825 m long power bridge and two approach bridges. The current bridge is a steel truss structure with five spans of the length 137.5 m, 165 m, 220 m, 165 m and 137.5 m. The maximum construction height is in middle of the bridge 24 m, with a clear height of 33 m above the water. The approach bridges are made of reinforced concrete arches with widths of 36 m and aufgeständerter roadway. On the north bank, and five on the south bank of three arches are arranged.

Lillebæltsbroen is used as a motif on the 100 -krone banknotes. The drawn by the artist Karin Birgitte Lund bill is part of a published up to 2011 2009 series, which has, among other things Danish bridges as a theme.
