Live at Drury Lane


Monty Python Live at Drury Lane is an album that was released by Monty Python in 1974. It was recorded in London at the Drury Lane Theatre. The skits are from the Flying Circus and differ slightly from their counterparts on television. A reissue on CD was released in 1997.

Until 1994, the album was not released in the United States, it was released in the box set The Instant Monty Python CD Collection.

To promote the release of the album, a double-sided flexi record with the name Monty Python's Tiny Black Round Thing with 6-7 minutes was partially sold exclusive material on each side.

With The Idiot song, the album contains a song written by Neil Innes, his character Bonzo Dog Doo - member of Dah band, who was involved in the productions of Monty Python regularly and was therefore often referred to as the seventh Python.

All Python albums have appeared in Special Editions on CD, but this is the only new material, namely an interview at the end of the CD.


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A TV commercial for the show was added to the Special Edition of 2006.
