Living Stream Ministry

Living Stream Ministry (LSM ), originally called current Verlag, was founded in 1965 by Witness Lee, is a non-profit society in Anaheim, California. LSM published works of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, including the recovery version of the Bible. LSM is a member of the evangelical Christian publishing association, and since 1981 at the Christian book sellers' association since 2002.


LSM represents the following creed:

We take the Bible as the complete and only divine revelation and we firmly believe that God is eternally one and also eternally the Father, the Son and the Spirit; the three are distinct, but not separate. We hold that Christ is both the complete God and the perfect man. Without His divinity to leave, He was conceived in the womb of a human virgin, lived a genuine human life on earth and died a vicarious and all-inclusive death on the cross. After three days He resurrected bodily and drove into the sky. He is now in glory, fully God and yet fully man. We are waiting for His imminent return with the kingdom of God, by which He will reign over the earth in the Millennial Kingdom, and forever. We confess that the third of the Trinity, the Spirit, is equally God. Everything that the Father has and is, is expressed by the Son; and anything that has the Son, and is, is realized as the Spirit. Furthermore, we believe that humanity needs God's salvation. Although we were completely unable to meet the high demands of God's righteousness, holiness, and glory, Christ fulfilled through His death on the cross all claims. Because of Christ's death God has forgiven us our sins, justified us by He made Christ to be our righteousness, and reconciled us with Himself. On the basis of Christ's salvation God gives birth to the redeemed with His Spirit back to perfect His salvation, so that we can be His children. Since the believers now possess God's life and nature, they enjoy a daily salvation in this age in His body and in the coming age and in eternity eternal salvation. In eternity we will dwell with God in the New Jerusalem, the consummation of God's salvation of His elect.

Statement on the Mission

The enlightenment and revelation of the Bible to pass, as it was designed in the teachings of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee and select all sorts of information, prepare and hand out that are useful for the growth of the spiritual life among Christians.


Living Stream Ministry publishes the works of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee and provides an authoritative collection. The writings of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee focus on the enjoyment of the divine life and to build up the Body of Christ. LSM serves the goal of passing on the teachings of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee and select information, prepare and hand out that are useful for the growth of the spiritual life among Christians.

LSM provides videos, audios ago, spiritual prints materials and publish it worldwide to all Christians. LSM also supports radio programs such as Life Study of the Bible, a 30 - minute radio program that is composed of excerpts from Witness Lee's works. This program, which came into existence in 1996, is currently being broadcast in three languages ​​and more than 100 radio stations. LSM also performs annually through various conferences and trainings.

A single publisher

LSM publishes the last service of Watchman and Witness Lee, but also present sermons that are based on the material of the service of Nee and Lee.

As far as possible avoids LSM other books to be published, because it is feared that certain doctrines differ from Nee 's and Lee's teaching. But after Lee's own model LSM ​​occasionally published materials where they have the feeling that it is their service useful, under their own name or under special imprints, that the particular publication needs. Manuscripts submitted for publication are reviewed by LSM on the accuracy in the biblical truths according to Nee 's and Lee's service and possibly published. This helps the integrity of the teachings of Nee and Lee to protect and prevent confusion caused by different teachings. Especially the local communities use the materials of LSM. ( It should be noted that LSM and the local communities to relate to each other that the local communities used the materials of LSM. Both are not a single organization or company belonging, but much more separate, independent units. ) This strategy does not mean that Christians should not publish their own works, what many people think, because they misunderstand the strategy of LSM. Rather, this strategy follows the intent of LSM to stay true to their reputation and to publish only the works Nee 's and Lee's. Christians have the freedom to publish their works by other means, as it was always done and will continue to be made.
