Liz Lynne

Liz Lynne Elizabeth Lynne also ( born January 22, 1948 in Woking ) is a British politician of the Liberal Democrats. She was 1992-1997 and 1999-2012 Member of the European Parliament for the West Midlands region.


Lynne went to Dorking to school and worked from 1966 to 1989 as an actress. From 1992 to 1997, Lynne MPs in the British House of Commons. Furthermore, she was a spokeswoman for the MEP Libaral Democrats for health care, Social Security and disability. Also for the European elections in 2009 she went to, though scored fewer votes, but was able to keep her seat in parliament. In February 2012, she gave up her parliamentary seat in the European Parliament. She was followed by Phil Bennion.
