Lobaria pulmonaria

True Lungenflechte ( Lobaria pulmonaria )

The Real Lungenflechte ( Lobaria pulmonaria ) is a high-risk foliose lichen with grubigen, olive-brown lobes to olive - green colored grass in the wet state. It is regarded as an indicator of healthy ecosystems.


The Lungenflechte can reach a diameter of several tens of centimeters. The camp is olive to brown or pale greenish, more or less in the wet state strong green. The protruding part between the grubigen dents like a reticular network of veins. The 1-3 cm broad lobes are deeply divided; the largest part is often on the substrate. Fruiting bodies ( Soralia ) are located on the " core network " or at the edge ( border ), are yellowish white in color and roundish. The underside is light brown to black with hairy weißlichbeigen, dome- like protrusions and downy - soft.


The Lungenflechte comes in damp, rainy documents from the boreal region into Bergslagen in the Mediterranean region, especially in the oceanic area. Where it grows on the bark of trees, predominantly on maple and oak, rarely on rock.


Since the Lungenflechte is very sensitive to air pollutants, the occurrence of 100 years ago in the European lowlands still widespread species are now almost exclusively above 900 meters above sea level on the northern edge of the Alps. Therefore, the Lungenflechte can be viewed as an indicator of healthy ecosystems. It is critically endangered - all their occurrence deserve protection. In Rhineland -Palatinate only two locations of Lungenflechte are known.


According to the doctrine of signatures, after all the organs of people have their counterparts in the appearance of various plants, where appropriate curative effect was attributed to the respective organ, but also because of the contained ingredients that True Lungenflechte was used in the Middle Ages against lung disease ( coughing up blood and consumption ). Homeopathy uses the Lungenflechte still coughs. From Siberian monks it was used because of the bitter substances contained for brewing beer.
