Localization Industry Standards Association

The Localization Industry Standards Association ( LISA ) was in the years 1990 to 2011, based in Switzerland, association of companies that dealt with the localization of software and the associated materials in different user languages. Among its members many of the larger IT companies were such as Adobe, Cisco, Hewlett -Packard, IBM, McAfee, Nokia, Novell, and Xerox.

One of the main tasks of the Association was to represent their members in the International Organization for Standardization ( ISO). Developed by LISA TBX standard was filed in 2007 and was adopted by ISO as ISO 30042. LISA was also represented on the World Wide Web Consortium.

Some of the LISA standards are used by the OASIS -based initiative OAXAL.

LISA ended its activities on 28 February 2011 and their website was shortly afterwards no longer available. As a result of the resolution of LISA the European Telecommunications Standards Institute launched a working group for software localization with the following five areas:

  • XML Text Memory (xml: tm ), in cooperation with XTM International.