Location scouting

As a location scout, the person is usually named, which makes identifying commissioned a film production or a photographer certain locations or motives for taking photographs. The Location Scout gets his artistic requirements mostly from the Designer, but must equally be considerate of logistical and financial requirements of the production. In the USA, Location Scouts are usually well paid and are an independent highly respected profession. Even in Germany, the profession of Location Scouts is becoming increasingly popular among the production companies. Hardly any advertising or feature film production waives the professional " film look " of the location scouts. Since 2010 there is the Federation Location Scouts (BVL ) as a professional association.


The tasks of the location scouts are:

  • Search and find the locations according to the requirements of the script and in consultation with Production Designer and Director, with the locations of both the dramaturgical and must comply with the organizational requirements,
  • Documentation of the locations with photos or videos, checking for potential difficulty factors
  • Testing and preliminary inquiry the filming permit from motif donors, inputs and local residents, authorities, etc.
  • Documentation of local infrastructure, such as access routes, emergency exits, parking, water, electricity,
  • Organization of the location visit by director, cinematographer and production designer.
  • After acceptance by the Director of the locations for the transfer to the manager, who then organizes the filming takes place.

Project-based search

The Location Scout discusses the script with director and production designer. In some cases, he also has a certain influence or change legislation ( eg Motive conditions by donors or authorities ) or if the locations described in the script can not be found exactly as described when technical or organizational adversity or difficulties arise.

Project-independent search

Search location scouts and collect on your own interesting locations and " toggle " with them. There is even a real location market with specialized agencies to certain locations ( for underwater shots, mountain landscapes, places of war, prisons, brothels, etc.). Often these are mitzuständig even for the corresponding supernumeraries. This species is widespread in the U.S., but in Europe is more and more imitators.
