
Lucusta is a Roman name which occurs as cognomen, for example. According to Cicero, there was a landowner named Lucusta. But the most famous is the poisoner of the same name.

The poisoner Lucusta

Lucusta (also: Locusta ) was a Roman poisoner. She lived in Rome during the 1st century AD

According to Tacitus and Cassius Dio, she was already convicted and arrested 54 AD because Giftmischerei, but still gave Agrippina the poison with which Claudius should be eliminated. Both women met in exile on the island of Pontia know.

Beginning 55 to Nero, who allegedly wanted to kill his step-brother Britannicus, have been their principal. Lucusta to have received not only a high material reward for their service, but it is also the law enforcement have been set against them. Nero have also sent their students who should teach the art of mixing poison. Recent research make it seem not excluded, however, that Britannicus was not poisoned, but died of natural causes.

Lucusta should have prepared the poison that although Nero in 68 AD on the run to have had with him, but did not dare to eat. It was under Galba, the successor of Nero, executed.
