Lomma Municipality

Lomma is a municipality (Swedish kommun ) in the Swedish province of Skåne County and the historical province Scania. The main town of the municipality is Lomma.


The municipal area is relatively flat with a highest point is 40 meters above the sea, and is dominated by agricultural land. The beach at the eastern Sound is loamy in the far north of the municipality, between the villages of Habo Ljung and Bjärred quite rocky and sandy otherwise.


With its strategic location between the mouths of the rivers Kävlingeån and Höje å here people of the Stone Age have been settled. The main town of Lomma was born in 1085 and the names of many places in the area are associated with nearby commercial and religious center of Lund.


Most residents of the community live in the villages of Lomma and Bjärred. In 2000, both places were about the same size and included together about 93 % of the population of the entire community. 2003 lived here 442 foreign residents, which corresponds to a relative share of 2.4 percent. Between 2003 and 2005 received an average of 25 people per year Swedish citizenship.


In the town is the Borgeby castle that was built on a castle from the 11th century.


The following places are villages ( tätorter ):

  • Bjärred
  • Flädie
  • Lomma