Louis-Jérôme Gohier

Louis- Jérôme Gohier (* February 27, 1746, † May 29, 1830 ) was a French politician during the French Revolution. He was 1799 President of the Board.


He received his education at the Jesuit College in Tours and then studied law. After that, he was a lawyer in Rennes. He gained as a legal expert with an excellent reputation and acted as defenders of Parlemente against the Minister Meaupon.

In 1791 he was elected member of the Constituent Assembly. He was one of a committee of the Parliament, which investigated the discovered state papers and put in 1792 a report on the conditions at the royal court before. He turned against the oath defiant priests and campaigned for the abolition of Lehnsrechte. Although he was not elected to the National Convention, but was Secretary General of the Ministry of Justice and Minister of Justice in 1793. He left the office but soon settled, because the committees of the National Convention claimed the government work effectively for themselves.

Later, he was President of the Criminal Court in the department of Seine. After that, he was a member of the Court of Cassation. On farms of Sieyès he was in 1799 a member of the Executive Board of the Republic. He was considered righteous republican, and even Jacobin -minded man, but played only a minor role politically. At the time of the coup d'etat of Napoleon he was Chairman of the Board and previously met more often with Bonaparte. Because he had rejected all offers to move to the side of Napoleon, he was placed under house arrest during the coup.

He retired first to his estate back before he became Consul General in the Netherlands. After the country had been occupied, he was offered in vain to the post of Consul General in the United States.
