Louis Masreliez

Louis Masreliez (* around 1748 in Paris, † March 19, 1810 in Stockholm; born Adrien Louis Masreliez ) was a Swedish painter, illustrator, graphic artist and interior designer.

1753 Louis Masreliez, son of Adrien Masreliez, younger brother of Jean Baptiste Masreliez ( 1743-1801 ) came to Sweden. At the age of ten he began his studies at the Design Academy in Stockholm. In 1769 he won a state scholarship, which he used to study trips to Paris and Bologna. 1769 he left Bologna and moved to Paris, where he lived for eight years. He returned back to Sweden in 1782 and became a member of the Academy of Arts in Stockholm and in the years afterwards professor in history painting. In 1785 he got the line for interior decoration of the royal palaces. In 1802 he became rector in 1805 and head of the Academy of Arts.

Together with Carl August Ehrensvard and Johan Tobias Sergel, he was one of the authoritative representatives of the Gustavian period of art.


Interior design and others, on:

  • Pavilion of Gustav III. in the Haga Park ( 1789-92 )
  • Arvfurstens palats in Stockholm ( 1791-94 )
  • Duke Charles floor in the Stockholm Palace ( 1792-95 )