Loving Day

Loving Day is the annual on June 12 in the United States in many cities celebrations for the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in the case of Loving v. Virginia. With this a law of the State of Virginia was repealed in 1967, were banned by the so-called " mixed-race " marriages between white and non-white partners. The Supreme Court ruling in favor of the couple Loving labeled in the U.S., the legal end of all based on skin color restrictions as to marriage, and is therefore regarded as a policy decision and a milestone in the American civil rights movement.

To process it was on the basis of applicable law in Virginia since 1924 due to the conviction of Richard Loving and Mildred Loving because of their in Washington DC closed marriage, as Richard Loving was white, while Mildred Loving was as an African American.

Loving Day is now the largest multiracial celebration in the United States; several cities and Caroline County, Virginia, home of the Lovings, Loving Day have made an official holiday.
