Luc-Peter Crombé

Luc -Peter Crombé ( born January 14, 1920 in Opwijk, † 17 May, 2005 Sint -Martens- Latem ) was a Belgian painter.


Luc -Peter Crombé began his training at the Academy of St. Lucas in Ghent, and from there he followed the class Constant Permeke at the Hoger Institute voor Schone Kunsten in Antwerp. He then spent five years at Jos Verdegem in Ghent. Crombé supplemented with the tireless self-study, based on analyzing and copying the old masters in domestic and foreign museums.

In addition Crombé enjoyed a special training ( archeology and restoration ) at the École du Louvre. He could this training in the studio money van (Gent) implement in practice as well as with Prof. Serulaz in the Louvre.

He lived since 1970 in Sint -Martens- Latem, where he represented with Maurice Schelck, Fons Roggeman, Joe Van Rossem, Chris Pots, Jef Wauters and Lea Vanderstraeten the so-called fourth group of Latemse School.
