Luciobarbus microcephalus

Luciobarbus microcephalus

Luciobarbus microcephalus, in English Small Head Barbel, Spanish and Portuguese Barbo Barbo Cabecicorto -de- Cabeça - Pequena is a medium sized barb species that is endemic to the Iberian Peninsula.


Luciobarbus microcephalus differs from other species of the genera Barbus Luciobarbus and 45 to 50 scales in the lateral line series (SL ), the last unbranched fin ray of the dorsal fin is thorn -like strong and cut on most of its trailing edge. The dorsal fin is concave in its posterior part. The head length is 22 to 27 % of standard length. The lower lip is narrow, without median lobe, the lower jaw tip is not covered by the lower lip. The fish are fully grown with a body length from 26 to 40 centimeters. The final weight is between eight and nine pounds. In water bodies such as the Lagunas de Ruidera, Peñarroya or Tablas de Daimiel these weights are still übertroffen.Im Rio Guadiana and Tajo copies have already been captured by nine to twelve kilogram body weight.

Distribution and habitat

Luciobarbus microcephalus occurs in Portugal and Spain. Particularly common is their occurrence in lowland rivers such as the middle and lower reaches of the Guadiana river or in the river system of the Rio Tajo. In Morocco, it was partially introduced. Its natural habitats are deep and slow-flowing rivers and streams as well as storage areas.

Way of life

L. microcephalus feeds on plants, detritus and small animals.


Luciobarbus microcephalus used in some regions as a sport fish for anglers.

Threat status

IUCN, the species is classified as endangered. In the Bern Convention, Annex III, L. microcephalus is listed as a species worthy of protection. Habitat and population density of Luciobarbus microcephalus are expected to decrease further in the future. It is estimated that only half of the population will be existent in 2020, which has given it the beginning of the 21st century. Main reasons for the threat are water pollution, water withdrawal for agricultural irrigation and dam construction, such as the planned dam of Alquedi. Imported foreign fish species are another problem.
