Lucius Cincius Alimentus

Lucius Cincius Alimentus was a Roman politician and Greek historians writing the Republican period.

Cincius was a member of the Senate and during the Second Punic War 210 BC. Than praetor commander of two legions in Sicily, where he probably remained as propraetor, yet in the following year 208 BC, he tried in vain to besiege Locri. In the same year he was immediately on his return to Rome by a delegation of the Senate to the wounded consul Titus Quinctius Crispinus in Capua. Furthermore, testified that he was captured by Hannibal.

The historical work of Cincius Alimentus, the oldest next to his approximate contemporaries Quintus Fabius Pictor Roman historian is said to have passed from the beginning of Rome up to his time. His work contains a number of myths and legends as well as Aitiologien. Dionysius of Halicarnassus source that mentions us this him; the work itself is lost except for a few fragments. Cincius Alimentus put on the foundation of Rome to the year 729 BC.
