Luis Bográn

Luis Bogran Barahona ( born June 3, 1849 in Santa Barbara, Department of Santa Bárbara, † July 9, 1895 Guatemala City ) was dated May 9, 1883 to November 30, 1891 President of Honduras.


His parents were Gertrudis Barahona Leiva and Saturnino Bogran Bonilla from the wealthy family of Bogran of Santa Bárbara. Luis Bogran was half-brother and first cousin of Francisco Bogran and cousin of Miguel Paz Barahona. He studied at the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.

In 1878 he married Teresa Morejón Ferrera in Chalguapa on June 3, 1878, was a member of the Partido Progresista.

He was appointed by Marco Aurelio Soto for political and military governor of the department of Santa Bárbara. As Minister of Education in 1883, he founded the Colegio Independencia in Santa Bárbara.

In 1874 he was promoted to brigadier general after he had dug in troops Chamelecón and supported with these Céleo President Arias on the border with El Salvador.

1876 ​​his troops were defeated by troops of José María Medina. The town of Santa Barbara, he conquered back with troops from Comayagua and beat Juan Antonio Medina in Danlí, El Paraiso, on 14 February 1876, in Ocotepeque.

Appointed Zollinspekeur of Puerto Cortés and Omoa. In November 1880, he served as deputy of the department of Yoro in the Constituent Assembly as Deputy Secretary General. As a delegate of Honduras, he worked for the establishment of the Universal Postal Union in France. In 1883 he was Minister of Government, Justice and the public.


Due to the resignation of President Marco Aurelio Soto Borgan became acting President from May 9 to November 30, 1883. In the elections on November 9, 1883, he received the majority with 40 958 votes. U.S. American banana companies benefit from the favorable investment climate in Honduras. They create, as far as it was profitalbel for the exploitation of banana infrastructure. The infrastructure of the capital remains the task of the government. During his reign, the Mayan city of Copán is investigated.

The Confederacy

From August 30 to November 17, 1884 Luis Bogran traveled to Guatemala. In agreement with the President of El Salvador and Honduras, Rafael and Luis Zaldívar Bogran Barahona, Justo Rufino Barrios Auyón declared by decree of 6 March 1885, the Central American Confederation of restored and made ​​himself the supreme commander of the Confederate army. This meant that certain Barrios a common foreign policy.

Second term of office

He was elected to a second term of office, which began on 30 November 1887.

He had occasion to education, the expansion of the capital city with some buildings and the establishment of the Academia Científico - to devote Literaria de Honduras, which represents economic and political stability. On the border with El Salvador, there were conflicts since the presidency of Honduras Carlos Ezeta not recognized. General Longino Sánchez was military governor of Tegucigalpa and tried an uprising in 1890, which was struck down.

From 1889 he was a shareholder of Banco de Honduras a bank, which was founded by the trade and mining bourgeoisie of Honduras, particularly from Tegucigalpa.


  • General Secretary: Rafael Ciriaco Alvarado Manzano.
  • Minister of Government and Justice: Crescencio Gómez.
  • Foreign Minister: Jerónimo Zelaya Leiva.
  • War and Navy Minister: Ponciano Leiva Madrid / Carlos F. Alvarado.
  • Finanzminisert: Abelardo Zelaya Izaguirre / Simeón Martínez.
  • Justice and Public Minister Rafael Alvarado Manzano.
  • Minister of Education Public Works and Agriculture: Francisco Planas Salvador.


Unusually for a promoter of coffee cultivation, he campaigned for the Ejido.

After his presidency, he was in 1892 coffee planters.

In 1892 he made ​​a trip to New York and met Dr. Ferdinand C. Valentine.
