Lunch box

As a lunch box or lunch box you originally designated container for transporting sandwiches. Regional vary the terms for similar containers strong. In East Germany they are like the bread as sandwich box, in West Germany as a lunchbox, in southern Germany as Vesper box or lunch box and called in parallel in various combinations of the word components. Was the form originally retained by the kidney-shaped loaves, the forms vary depending on usage. Was originally used mainly for the production of sheet metal and wood, now outweighs the use of plastics.

The terms are also used for lunch boxes, which are used in the English-speaking area for storage of lunches ( lunch ). However, these are usually larger, often modeled after a small suitcase, and thus offer space for fruits, sweets or drinks. Parallel to the lunch box lunch pail was used to transport hot meals.

A three-part, Indian Lunchbox ( Dawwa )
