Lundenberg Hundred

The Lundberg Harde was a medieval administrative district in what is now northern Friesland. The Harde extended over an area between the south-east of the present-day island north beach until after eiderstedt.

Due to the flood of 1362 the territory of the Harde was separated from the sea in a north and a south. The north of the Heverstroms villages Ham and Lith changed to Edomsharde on the island beach and were lost in the flood of 1634. By following Bedeichungen this area is now part of the peninsula north beach. The southern part included, inter alia, the villages Simonsberg, Lundberg and Padelack. The Burchardiflut 1634 led to several dike breaches, which meant that the latter two villages had to be abandoned. The remains of the Lundberg Harde were lost in the flood of Christmas 1717.

  • North Friesland