
The lutetium ( in the German language, usually shortened to Lutetian ) is in the geologic timescale, second stage of the Eocene ( Paleogene ). The stage includes in absolute terms ( geochronological ) the period from about 47.8 to 41.3 million years. It follows the Ypresium and is detached from the Bartonium.

Naming and history

The name is derived from Lutetia, the ancient name of Paris, near which the original type locality is located. Stage and name were introduced by Albert de Lapparent in 1883 in the literature.

Definition and GSSP

The lower limit is defined by the first appearance of the foraminiferal genus Hantkenina. The stage ends with the beginning of the occurrence of calcareous nannoplankton - type Reticulofenestra reticulata. An official type profile ( GSSP ) has not yet been finally passed. Two of the possible candidate profiles are in Spain.
