Lutfi Haziri

Lutfi Haziri ( born November 8, 1969 in Gjilan, Kosovo) was Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Local Government of Kosovo. He led the Kosovo Albanian delegation at the negotiations with Serbia on the future status of Kosovo in Vienna in February 2006. He is a member of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK ).


During the 1980s Haziri was a member of the student movement at the University of Prishtina.

Since 1990 Haziri was a member of the Defense of Kosovo. In March 1990, Lutfi Haziri was elected president of the Youth Association of LDK in Gjilan and remained in this position until 1997. Haziri In October 1998, was arrested in Gjilan for relations with the KLA. After his release in August 1999 was Haziri mayor of the prefecture Gjilan.

On 3 December 2004 Haziri was determined for the first Minister of Local Government of Kosovo. Haziri has a management degree from the OSCE, certificate Georgetown University

Lutfi Haziri is married and father of three daughters.
