Luzon Strait

Geographical location

The Luzon Strait or Strait of Luzon is a waterway that connects the South China Sea to the Philippine Sea between Taiwan and the Philippine main island of Luzon.


The waterway is 320 km wide. In it are two archipelagos: the Babuyan Islands and the islands of the province of Batanes. The road is divided into three channels:

  • The Babuyankanal separates Luzon by the Babuyan Islands,
  • The Balintangkanal the Babuyan Islands of the Batan Islands
  • And the Bashistraße the Batan Islands of Taiwan.

At the output of the Luzon Strait to the small Philippine island Palaui, on a 116 years old lighthouse is located. In the Luzon Strait open on the southern coast of the rivers Abulug and Cagayan.


The Luzon Strait is an important connection for navigation and communication. Many freighters from America to use the route on their way to the main seaports of East Asia. The Strait of Luzon is crossed by many submarine cables that provide telephone and data connections to China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea.


The Strait of Luzon was a part of the Japanese invasion route in December 1941. On December 8, because of the date line on the same day as the attack on Pearl Harbor, they landed on Batanes.

On December 10, they occupied Camiguin in Northern Mindanao and landed on the same day in Aparri on Luzon.

In the period following U.S. submarines hunted Japanese convoys that crossed the strait on their way from the East Indies to Japan.
