Luzula sylvatica

Forest - Wood-rush ( Luzula sylvatica)

Called The Forest - Wood-rush ( Luzula sylvatica), also Great Wood-rush or in the plant trade Waldmarbel, is a plant which belongs to the family of the Rushes ( Juncaceae ). She is a plant fresh deciduous and coniferous forests and moist meadows.


The forest - wood rush is a perennial, overwintering green Hemikryptophyt and reaches heights of growth between 30 and 90 centimeters. The stems grow upright vigorous. The rigid, at the edge densely ciliated basal leaves are often over an inch wide and are shiny dark green. The upper stem leaves are shorter than the inflorescence.

The inflorescence is loose spirrig with thin, upright to spreading branches. The flowers are three to four millimeters long and are three to five approached. The tepals are brown to dark brown finely tapered edge with white skin and lanceolate. The stylus wear three long upright scars. The fruit is triangular cone-shaped and long acuminate, maroon and as long as the petals. The seeds bear appendages ( elaiosomes ). The flowering period extends from May to June.

Distribution and location

The Forest - Wood-rush is found throughout Europe and Asia to the Caucasus. In Europe, it occurs mainly in the west and south.

Your location are moderately shady forests, especially acidic beech forests (eg Luzulo - Fagenion ), but also spruce and larch forests, furthermore also dwarf shrubs and alpine tall herbaceous corridors. The plant is lime-intolerant and thrives on thoroughly moistened, musty - rich, moderately acidic to acidic soils. Especially in humid rain and snow layers (western and northern slopes ) it forms extensive stocks and a natural forest cover acts contrary ( rejuvenation retardant). The Forest - Wood-rush grows from the plains to the mountains and has its main range between 500 and 2000 meters.

Systematics / taxonomy

There are four subspecies, with the two first-mentioned limited in their distribution to the north of the Iberian Peninsula and southern Italy, especially Sicily:

  • Sylvatica L. subsp. henriquesii ( sword ) Pirajá, Agron. Lusit. 12: 359 (1951)
  • Sylvatica L. subsp.. sicula ( Parl ) K.Richt, Pl Eur 1: 183 (1890)
  • Common forest - wood rush (L. sylvatica subsp sylvatica. ) - With 10 to 15 millimeters wide base leaves; large, multi-composed inflorescence. Height: 50 to 80 inches
  • Siebers Forest - Wood-rush (. . Sylvatica L. subsp sieberi ( exchange) K.Richt, Pl Eur 1: 183 (1890) ) - 4 to 5 millimeters wide basal leaves; Inflorescence small, very loose. Height: 40 to 50 centimeters.


The Forest - Wood-rush is often cultivated as a decorative, ornamental plant rasige in plants and is also recommended for wild plants gardens, especially for the northern locations; but it is spreading joy and can also be found in gardens, where it was never planted.
