Maciej Stryjkowski

Maciej Stryjkowski (Latin Matys Strycovius; pseudonym: Osostevitius; * 1547 Stryków, † 1593) was a Polish poet and historian, diplomat and priest, the Lithuania became the home.


In the years 1567-1570 he studied at the Academy of Cracow. He served in the army under the command of Alexander Guagnini. In the years 1574-1575 he was the ambassador in Turkey, together with A. Tarnowski. In 1579 he was ordained a chaplain and was a canon in Miedinger Niki and secular priest in George Castle.

Stryjkowski learned the Lithuanian and Russian language and explored the country's stories through personal exploration of historic places. Although born in Mazovia, he deplored the Polish domination of Lithuania.


  • Kronika Polska, Litewska, Żmudzka i wszystkiej Rusi - Chronicle of Poland, Lithuania, and Russia as a whole (published in Königsberg in 1582, published 1846. )
  • Goniec cnoty ( Krakow 1574 ) - genealogical poem about the Polish and Lithuanian rulers
  • Sarmatiae Europeae Descriptio ( 1578) - historical and geographical work, edited by Alexander Guagnini

