Madurese people

The Madurese (own name on Madura Madura Oreng ) - also known as Orang Madura and Suku Madura - are an ethnic group that was originally located on the island of Madura. The third largest ethnic group in Indonesia attended by government programs Transmigrasi now but in many parts of the country.

Among the common features of most Madurese throughout the archipelago include not only Islamic religion, especially the use of the language of Madura. The Madurese are often members of religious and ethnic Nahdatul Ulama, a moderate Muslim organization in Indonesia. The existence as a farmer has a key role in the life of the Madurese.

While the Madurese have their roots on Madura, which lies off the northeast coast of Java, the majority of Madurese not now living on this island. The people have emigrated by poor agricultural resources in their home mostly. The majority lives on Java, where an estimated six million Madurese live, especially in East Java, where they constitute about half the population.

Overall, there are 6.8 million Madurese in Indonesia. Most of them, about 6.281 million, live in the province of East Java, including Madura island, next to live through the transmigration policy about 204,000 Madurese to Central Kalimantan and again 62,000 to East Kalimantan.
