
Live reconstruction of Majungasaurus crenatissimus

  • Majungasaurus crenatissimus

Majungasaurus (formerly Majungatholus ) is a genus theropod dinosaurs in the Late Cretaceous at the end of the Mesozoic ( Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary) is fossil evidence. The only one in 1955 by René Lavocat described species ( type species ) is Majungasaurus crenatissimus.



The Majungasaurus moved - typical of theropod dinosaur - bipedal ( two-legged ) away. The entire animal was able to nose to tail reach a length of about six to seven meters. Some evidence fossil evidence, however, that larger individuals could obtain up to 1.5 tons up to eight meters in length and a weight.

The legs were relatively small in relation to body size. We can thus conclude that the Majungasaurus was not able to run very fast.

Like the other Abelisauriden Majungasaurus had a relatively short, strong head. So the dinosaurs could bite vigorously. Especially at this skull was a horn that sat on his forehead. The whole skull had remarkable unevenness. These were so strong that it is initially assumed that Majungasaurus was a Pachycephalosauride.

What was the benefit of these bumps, the science is unknown. May have been carried out with their help fighting among male counterparts to obtain the favor of the females.


Majungasaurus is the first dinosaur that could be detected in the cannibalism: For fossil remains of this dinosaur is noticed that so sitting at the notches bone of teeth, bite marks. The distances and the shapes of these notches matched exactly with those of Majungasaurus. Consequently, a Majungasaurus had to have fed by another Majungasaurus.
