
A mokoro is about four feet long dugout the Kavango on the Okavango River and its inland river delta in the north of Namibia and Botswana.

In often only 50 cm flat Okavango Delta mokoro slowly repelled with a rod from the river bed and so moves (see: Stake ). Traditionally Mokoros were used for fishing. Today, a Mokorofahrt is a typical tourist attraction in the region, especially in the national parks Mamili, Moremi and Mudumu.

The Mokoro's are made by the inhabitants of the Okavango Delta region mainly from the trunk of the tree and liver sausage may be used for about a year before they become leaky. Slowly penetrating leak water is used during the trip. In order to allow the seats despite penetrated leak water, Mokoro floor can be (mainly for tourists) covered with straw.
