Maku (Iran)

Mākū (Persian ماكو also MaHKU, MaHKU ) is a city in the Iranian province of West Azerbaijan. It is located 22 km from the Turkish border and is located at an altitude of 1634 m. The city currently has grossed approximately 47,000 inhabitants ( 2012).


The population is made up of Azeris and Kurds. Both sides claim the city for themselves. According to Azerbaijani this area was home to the Turkmen Qara Qoyunlu. The Armenians claim this city for himself, so is located about 20 km south of Maku, the former Armenian monastery of Saint Thaddeus.


The region belonged in ancient times to the media and then to the Persian Empire. After the arrival of the Turkic peoples in Iran Maku was one of the Azerbaijani khanates that were left after the collapse of Safawidenherrschaft in the 17th century.

Name of the city

Since this region belonged in ancient times to the media, it is believed that the town's name comes from the Persian phrase Mad cow ( "Mountain of the Medes "). Maku but could also be from the words Mah ( = moon) cow ( = mountain ) have composed. So moon mountain or mountain moon.

Another explanation could Máh ( "moon " ) Ku ( "where" ), ie "Where is the moon ?" This referred to the fact that the city is surrounded by high mountains, which hide the moon.

A third explanation is the Armenian word Maki that can be loosely describes a place where sheep have enough to eat.


  • Baqcheh jOOQ Palace: It comes from the era of Qajar and served until 1974 as the seat of the governor. Today it houses a museum.
  • Ruins of a fort