Manolo García

Manolo García ( born August 19, 1955 in Barcelona, actually Manuel García García- Pérez ) is a Spanish musician and composer. Before he began his solo career in the late 1990s, he was a singer and frontman in a number of Spanish bands, including El Último de la Fila, whose co-founder he was. Since 1998, Garcia has released five albums. In addition to his musical work as a solo artist, he has worked as a composer, primarily for Spanish television.


  • Arena en los bolsillos (BMG, 1998)
  • Nunca El Tiempo Perdido it (BMG, 2001)
  • Para que no se duerman mis sentidos (BMG, 2004)
  • Saldremos a la lluvia (BMG, 2008)
  • Los días intactos (2011)