Manzini, Swaziland

- 26.49948888888931.376875Koordinaten: 26 ° 30 ' S, 31 ° 23' O

Manzini has about 110,000 inhabitants ( 2005), the largest city in Swaziland and its economic center. Manzini is the administrative headquarters of the Manzini District.

By 1960, Manzini was known as Bremersdorp, named after a merchant who in 1887 had a business there. From 1895 to 1899, the city was the first administrative center of Swaziland.

Manzini is located in the Central Plateau (middle veld ) and features in the suburb Matsapha about the only in-service international airport in the country, the International Matsapha Airport. There is also the industrial area. Twice a week there is a market. Manzini is facing the road, the hub of the country and the capital of the province.


Sons and daughters of the town

  • Bongani Khumalo (* 1987), South African soccer player
  • Mswati III. (* 1968 ), King of Swaziland

Pictures of Manzini, Swaziland
