Marc H. Ellis

Marc H. Ellis ( born 1952 in North Miami Beach, Florida) is an American Jewish liberation theologian and peace activist.

After receiving his doctorate in 1980 Ellis was a professor at the Maryknoll School of Theology in Maryknoll, New York and first director of the Maryknoll Institute for Justice and Peace. Since 1998 he has been Professor of American and Jewish Studies at Baylor University in Waco, Texas.

Marc Ellis developed a Jewish Theology of Liberation: The creation of a Jewish state at the expense of Palestinian presence is the covenant of God was destroyed with Israel and could be renewed only by a new ethics and practice of justice that reconciles the two peoples who are connected there irrevocably together are. Ellis therefore calls Jews on religious grounds to fight against oppression and for equality of the Palestinians.

His theological mentors are Martin Buber and, in particular Richard Rubenstein.

Publications (selection )

  • Between hope and betrayal. Steps Towards a Jewish Theology of Liberation. ( "Toward a Jewish Theology of Liberation " )
  • Called to liberation. A Jewish voice. Collected Essays.
  • Ending Auschwitz. The Future of Jewish and Christian Life.
  • Unholy Alliance. Religion and Atrocity in Our Time.
  • O Jerusalem. The Contested Future of the Jewish Covenant
  • Practicing Exile: The Religious Odyssey of an American Jew.
  • Beyond Innocence and Redemption. Confronting the Holocaust and Israeli Power. Creating a Moral Future for the Jewish People.
  • Remembering Deir Yassin. The Future of Israel and Palestine.