
March is the third month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

He has 31 days and is named after the Roman god of war Mars, so called by the Romans Martius.

The old German name is Lenzing and Lenz moon, an old spelling is Märzen.

The Equinox ( astronomical beginning of spring ) is currently mostly takes place on March 20. On this day the sun is above the equator at the zenith and hence goes exactly in the east and sets in the west precisely. The time always moves 3 years to less than 6 hours forward to then jump in fourth year ( leap year) back to 18 hours back. Because the return is greater than the forward movement, the beginning of spring migrates to 4 years considered backward. In order to prevent the early spring walk through the whole year, falls in the Gregorian calendar leap year every 100 years, except the year number is divisible by 400 ( last in 1900, next in 2100, but not 2000). Therefore, the beginning of spring between 19 and 21 March to take place, but is almost entirely fall on the 19th and 20th by 2100.

The Roman calendar originally began with March as the first month. These also provide the names of the months of September (Latin septem, seven ' ) are derived, October (Latin octo, eight '), November (Latin novem, nine ') and December (Latin decem, ten ' ) from each designated according to their position in the sequence of months. Under Emperor Commodus the month was renamed Felix, one of his name, after the death of the Emperor, however, he received back its old name.

The March begins with the same week as the November and in non-leap years, such as the February.
