Margaret Fredkulla

Margarethe Fred Kulla (* 1080s - years; † 1117 or 1130) was a medieval Swedish princess and 1101-1103 Queen of Norway from 1105 and Queen of Denmark.


Margarethe Fred Kulla was a daughter of the Swedish king Inge the Elder and his wife Helena. 1101 she was a young girl in her first marriage with the Norwegian king Magnus III. ( Magnus Barfot ) married to seal the then closed between her father and her bridegroom peace. Therefore, it was nicknamed Fred Kulla (ie " Virgin of Peace "). She brought more Swedish, probably located in Västergötland areas as dowry into the marriage, gave birth to her husband but probably no descendants. After Magnus was killed in a raid in Northern Ireland in 1103 died, Margaret quickly left again their new home. This behavior alienated many Norwegians, and it was even claimed that they have go with the relics of canonised Norwegian king Olav II Haraldsson leave.

Soon after, in 1104, ascended Niels Svensson, an illegitimate son of King Sven Estridsson, the Danish throne, after which Margaret around 1105 received her second marriage with Niels. You obviously exerted an unusually strong political influence in Denmark, while her second husband is sometimes described as politically very active. Her name next to that of Niels, which rarely occurred in medieval Europe appears on coins minted at that time. The chroniclers praised as a mild and peaceful woman who managed to settle discords among the nobles. She was also generous to the churches; so you sent the French theologian Thibaud d' Etampes to 1114 a thank you letter for their generosity, she had the Benedictine monastery of St-Etienne de Caen proved. According to Saxo Grammaticus she died of dropsy. With Niels she had two sons, one of whom, Inge, had died as a child on the kick of a horse, while the second, Magnus Nilsson, fell at the battle of Fodevig on 4 June 1134.

Family Links

After Halfdan Koht: Norske Dronninger. Oslo 1926.
