Margaret Traxler

Margaret Traxler ( born March 11, 1924 in Saint Paul, Minnesota; † 12 February 2002 in Mankato, Minnesota) was an American Roman Catholic theologian.


Traxler studied at St Catherine 's College in Oxfod and at the University of Notre Dame and entered the Roman Catholic Order of the Poor School Sisters of Our Lady a. She belonged to the first row of the Selma -to- Montgomery marches in Selma, where she sang songs like We Shall Overcome with other nuns and Martin Luther King. In the 1970s, she participated in the peace talks held in Paris at the end of the Vietnam War and helped NCCIJ 's Citizen's Task Force of Inquiry Regarding Civil Liberties in Belfast.

She was co-founder of the National Coalition of American Nuns. In 1984, she signed the Campaign A Catholic Statement on Pluralism and Abortion, which appeared in the New York Times.

Works (selection)

Literature (selection )

  • Robert McClory, " The Church, Abortion, and Sister Margaret Traxler. " Chicago 34 ( December 1985); 199, 230-232, pp. 247-252
  • " The Anger of Sister Margaret Traxler. " De Tijd, March 28, 1987, pages 28-33
  • Tim Unsworth, " Margaret Traxler, SSND: ' We want to be a part, not Apart ' " In Catholics on the Edge (New York: Crossroad, 1995 ), pp. 101-111.