Maria de Mattias

Maria De Mattias ( born February 4, 1805 in Valle Corsa, Italy, † August 20, 1866 in Rome) was a founder of the order and is a Catholic saint.

Maria, who came from a pious and upper middle class family, was brought up religiously. Spiritual she was influenced by Gaspare del Bufalo, whom she met in 1822. In 1834 she founded the Congregation of the Adorers in Acuto of the Precious Blood (it.: Adoratrici del Sangue Preziosissimo, today Adoratrici del Sangue di Cristo ), which mainly has the education of girls to the task. To further spread of their community, they went to Rome. Mary was beatified in 1950 and canonized on May 18, 2003, Pope John Paul II.

Your Memorial Day in the liturgy is August 20.

The new community of the crucified and risen, Love, a Dutch Order of Maastricht, provides in Maria de Mattias a spiritual role model.
