Maria von Trapp

Maria Augusta Trapp ( born January 26, 1905 in Vienna, † 28 March 1987 in Morrisville, Vermont, USA ) was an American singer and writer of Austrian origin.


She was born Maria Augusta Kutschera as in modest circumstances in Vienna. Her mother died a few days after birth, her father, she lost three years later. Then she grew up with her grandmother and guardian.

She was trained as a teacher and joined the Roman Catholic Confederation territory after a conversion experience at. She worked as a teacher at the monastery school of the abbey Nonnberg in Salzburg and wanted to enter as a postulant later in the order. The abbess sent in 1925 as a private tutor for convalescent Mary, daughter of the famous Austrian lieutenant commander Georg Ludwig von Trapp. On November 26 1927 she became the second wife of widower Trapp, she 's daughters Rosemarie and Eleanor gave birth in 1929 and 1931.

The children from his first marriage, she spoke with " mother " in order to distinguish them from their biological Mamá ( stress on the second syllable).

In interviews - for example, with Johanna mid -1990s - it was called " the stepmother " or " The Gustl " (from Augusta) to avoid confusion with the stepdaughter Maria Franziska von Trapp.

Since 1935, the family lost their entire fortune, she founded with her ​​husband's children ( five daughters, two sons ) a family choir. The conductor took Franz Wasner, the chaplain of the von Trapp family. In 1937 the choir won first prize in the folk singers competition at the Salzburg Festival.

As a monarchist -minded officers expected Georg Ludwig Trapp by the annexation of Austria in 1938 to the Third Reich greatest difficulties. After renting their property in Aigen to a religious order, the family emigrated in the same year in the United States, where they also Franz Wasner accompanied. There came 1939, the son of John, to the world. They settled in Stowe, Vermont, down where they built a house named Cor Unum.

The family also undertook concert tours in the U.S. and entered the most part under the name Trapp Family Singers. She organized after the end of the Second World War, a relief operation under the name Trapp Family Austrian Relief Inc. and collected clothing and food for Austria. After the death of Georg Ludwig von Trapps in 1947 Johanna left the family choir, later, Werner difference († 2007) from. Martina died early, Eleanor started her own family and Rosemarie was no longer on the basis of stage fright for concert tours are available.

The choir went on several tours, including through South America and Australia. Maria Augusta Trapp in 1950 came with her choir at the Salzburg Festival. In 1956, the choir, which had been about 2000 concerts all over the world dissolved. The surviving "children" still live in America on the ranch.

Maria Augusta Trapp wrote her memoirs in 1952 under the title From Monastery to world success down. The book was made ​​into a film in 1956 under the title The Trapp Family 1958 The Trapp Family in America with great success. In 1959, the story - something sugarcoated - brought to the stage in the musical The Sound of Music and was for years seen huge success in North America. The film version of this musical entitled The Sound of Music - My Dreams in 1965, directed by Robert Wise with the main actors Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer was also a triumph of 20th Century Fox Studios. In 1991, a film adaptation of the anime series.

At the age of 82 years Maria Augusta Trapp died on 28 March 1987 in Morrisville. She had two daughters and a son.




  • The Story of the Trapp Family Singers. 1949 (English: The Trapp Family From Monastery to worldwide success from the English by Elizabeth Belnay Vienna, Frick 1952.. . ).
  • Around the Year with the Trapp Family. 1955 ( Eng.: Celebrating with the Trapp Family Vienna, Frick 1960. ).
  • Yesterday, Today and Forever: The Religious Life of a Remarkable Family. 1952nd (German: Yesterday, today, forever, from the English by Martha Eberherr Vienna, Frick 1954.. ).
  • Maria. In 1972.