Marie-Antoine Carême

Marie- Antoine Carême ( born June 8, 1784 in Paris, † January 12, 1833 ibid ) was one of the greatest chefs of his time, has contributed significantly to the expression of classic French cuisine.

Carême came from a poor family with at least 15 children. He had already earn money at the age of ten years and started as an assistant in the kitchen of a restaurant. Training as a pastry chef and a cook joined them. At 15, he began to work for the famous Parisian pastry chef Bailly, whose clients included the French foreign minister Talleyrand. Two years later he left Bailly and worked for another pastry shop, whose name is not known. The end of 1803 he opened his own pastry shop in the Rue de la Paix, which he led for about ten years.

From 1804 to 1814 Carême was primarily the personal pastry chef of Talleyrand, but also worked for other significant persons. So he organized, for example, the 1810 banquet for the marriage of Napoleon to Marie -Louise of Austria. He also ministered among others, the British King George IV, Czar Alexander I and Emperor Francis I of Austria. " Carême made ​​his own career interests never interfere with patriotism. For example, English and Russians occupied Paris after the defeat of Napoleon and the Russian Tsar Alexander I (...) Carême committed during his stay in Napoleon's Palace ( 1814) and again for a few weeks the following year. "

In 1815 he published his first two books, Le patissier royal parisien and Le Patissier pittoresque, the latter being more than 100 drawings of models contained for decorative patisserie along the lines of sight courts. In the following years, Carême worked abroad a lot. In 1816 he was hired by the British Prince Regent, later George IV, in 1818 the Russian Tsar. About his stay there he remarked later, disappointed and frustrated, among other things, on the restriction of the kitchen budget.

In 1821 he published two books on architecture as a layman with plans for beautification of Saint Petersburg and Paris. He proved himself to be a follower of eclecticism and an opulent style mix. 1822 followed the book Maitre d'hotel. In the following years he worked in the house of the banker Jacob Rothschild in Paris. In 1828 he published Le cuisinier parisien. His latest book project, L'Art de la cuisine francaise au XIX. siècle, he was unable to complete before his death. Two of the three planned volumes have been written later completed by his pupil Pluméry.


  • Le Maître d' hôtel français
  • L'Art de la cuisine française
  • Le patissier royal parisien
  • Le Cuisinier parisien
  • L'Art de la cuisine au XIXe siècle
  • Le Patissier pittoresque