Marie Touchet

Marie Touchet (* 1549 in Orléans, † March 28, 1638 in Paris) was Dame de Belleville and a mistress of the French king Charles IX.


1569, in the midst of a civil war and after years in which the French court 's lack of interest in women his King Charles IX. wondered, had just met this in Orléans on the Civil Marie Touchet, daughter of a judge, and fell head over heels for her. He was to remain faithful to her until his death in 1574. From her name he formed the anagram "The charm tout " ( German: " I am charming all / all " ) and took it in the same year to Paris, where she found the maid of honor in the wake of his sister Marguerite a place. Marie Touchet was Huguenot, but everything indicates that she never meddled in politics, yes it is even considered very unlikely that she has the young king ever influenced in his attitude to the Huguenots. Nevertheless, their presence had a positive impact on Karl: He was always calm and collected, when she was around him, and she was the only one who could calm him down when he once again suffered a very dreaded his tantrums.

1570 married Charles IX. the Austrian princess Elizabeth, and Marie Touchet believed rely on. However, when she met the new queen, she is said to have uttered: " The German does not scare me " (French: " L' Allemande ne me fait pas peur " Karl actually returned back to her, although he also loved his wife tenderly.. from the relationship sprang two children:

  • Son, died early
  • Charles ( * April 28, 1573; † September 24, 1650 ), Duke of Angoulême and Grand Prior of France

After the death of Charles IX. married in 1574 Marie Touchet 1578 François de Balzac, Seigneur d' Entragues, with whom she had two daughters:

  • Marie Charlotte ( † 1646), mistress of Marshal François de Bassompierre
  • Catherine Henriette (1579-1663), mistress of Henry IV