Market garden

A kitchen garden is - in contrast to the ornamental garden - mainly the production of crops, such as herbs, fruits and vegetables as food. For garden can also include a greenhouse to facilitate the cultivation of cold- sensitive plants or even enable. The fruit and vegetable gardens of stately houses were formerly known as kitchen gardens.

This is with modern agriculture somewhat receded into the background in what is now Central Europe. One reason is to be sought in the fact that financial and time costs and benefits realized in any economically reasonable proportion are. For organically grown products of the kitchen garden is of great importance. An answer to a growing population and increasing urbanization, the development of gardens in urban areas, such as tenants' gardens and allotments.

A rather expensive -to-maintain, but also aesthetically pleasing shape of the kitchen garden, the cottage garden.

It should be noted in kitchen gardens, which are located in communal areas of allotments that there may be certain regulations for horticulture, cultivation, or "non- attachment " of certain plants and keeping of small animals.
