Marle, Aisne

Marle is a commune with 2375 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2011 ) in the department of Aisne in the Picardie region; it belongs to the district of Laon and is the capital of the Canton of Marle.


The municipality, located in the valley of Serre and the parallel Vilpion, about 22 kilometers northeast of Laon.


Marle was a fortified town at the entrance of thiérache and temporary seat of the county of the same name in the Middle Ages.



  • The Gothic Church of the Assumption and Notre -Dame ( Église Sainte -Marie et de l' Assomption dite Notre -Dame), Monument historique
  • Musée des Temps Barbares, here are the results of the excavation Merovingian village of Goudelancourt -lès- Pierrepont be issued
  • The Hospice or Hôtel- dieu ( 1250 )
  • Former post station (relay de poste ), Monument historique

Former coaching
