Martin Ferrero

Martin Ferrero ( born September 29, 1947 in Brockport, Monroe County) is an American actor.


Ferrero visited the Playhouse in Los Gatos, California, before he started in 1979, theatrically participate in Hollywood productions. Ferrero plays in the various productions mostly supporting roles; his best-known may be that of the ill-fated lawyer Donald Gennaro in the movie Jurassic Park in 1993.

In the television series Miami Vice, he starred in the pilot episode the murderer Trini DeSoto. In later episodes of the series, he joined then regular in appearance; However, he was seen there as an informant Izzy Moreno.

He had more guest appearances including in Get Shorty, Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot! , The X-Files and The Tailor of Panama.

Martin Ferrero is a member of the Antaeus Company, a theater group from Los Angeles.

