Martina Heinlein

Martina Heinlein (born 16 May 1981 in Starnberg ) is a German hockey player.

Martina Heinlein began with five years at HC Wacker München. For several years she lived in Hamburg and plays at the club on the river Alster. 2006 was the defender with the club champion German Hall, a year later, she won the European Cup Indoor Champion.

2004 debuted Martina Heinlein in the German national hockey team. In 2005, she finished with the German team took second place at the European Championships. 2006, the team in Amstelveen won the FIH Champions Trophy, finished at the World Championships but only the eighth. At the World Indoor Championships in Vienna in 2007, the team finished third.

Martina Heinlein has completed 68 international matches, including 7 in the hall. (As of July 6, 2008 )

She is romantically involved with the German field hockey player Sebastian Biederlack.
