Martina of Rome

Martina ( † about 230 in Rome) was a consecrated virgin, martyr and healing Lige the early church. Your feast day is January 30. The name Martina mean the ( Roman ) god of war Mars consecrated (latin ).

Martina was the daughter of a former Roman consul and thus belonged to the Roman upper classes, the patricians. They lived in the time of Emperor Severus Alexander ( 222-235 AD) and freely admitted to Christianity.


According to tradition, the Christian Martina should be forced, in the temple of Apollo offer a sacrifice. Before the Statue of Apollo struck a cross, whereupon the idol burst and the temple collapsed. Martina has now been handed over to a series of tortures. Heavenly assistance helped her to survive this. She was thrown to the beasts in the amphitheater, but the lion, which should swallow them to lay down at her feet. When Martina was placed on a funeral pyre, the fire was extinguished by a sudden thunderstorm; Martina was finally beheaded.


Devotion to the Holy Martina is attested from the 5th century.

In the 13th century, written by Hugo Langensteinenstrasse an extensive Middle High German rhyme legend about the life and martyrdom of St. Martina.

Relics were on October 25, 1634 in the crypt of an early Christian church in Rome in a Tonsarg found, which are attributed to the saints. Pope Urban VIII had then in 1653 at this location the St. Martina and Luke the Evangelist church dedicated to Santi Luca e Martina build.

In Christian iconography, Martina is her represented with a lion 's feet as her attribute. She is the patron saint of Rome and the lactating mothers.


For the commemoration of the saints numerous proverbs (weather Rules) shall apply:

  • Martina Sunshine, promises plenty of fruit and good wine.
  • Seems to Martina the sun mild, it is the good harvest picture.
  • If the January brings lots of rain, the graveyards are fertilized.
  • Bring Martina Sunshine, one hopes for a lot of grain and wine.