
Annual Martynie ( Martynia annua)

The Annual Martynie ( Martynia annua ) is the only species in the genus Martynia in the family of Gemsenhorngewächse ( Martyniaceae ). The genus is named after the English botanist John Martyn (1699 - 1768) named.


The Annual Martynie is an annual plant that reaches the plant height of 25 to 80 centimeters. She is upright and glandular hairy. The leaf blade is circular to ovate, base cordate. The crown is pink or white. There are two fertile stamens present. The fruit is 15 to 30 millimeters long without the beak. The beak is 5 to 10 millimeters long.

The flowering period extends from July to August.


The Annual Martynie occurs in Africa, Asia, Central America and the West Indies in Ruderalfluren.


The species is rarely used as an ornamental plant for summer flowerbeds.
