Mascarene Petrel

Maskarenensturmvogel ( Pseudobulweria aterrima )

The Maskarenensturmvogel ( Pseudobulweria aterrima ) is a rare species of bird in the family of the petrels. It breeds on the Maskareneninsel Réunion.


The Maskarenensturmvogel reached a size of 36 centimeters. The plumage is mainly dark - chocolate brown. The chin and upper throat are lighter. The underside of the hand and arm swing is more silvery. The beak is black. The legs are flesh-colored, the feet are black. In the middle of the webbing a flesh - colored spots can be seen. His reputation is made whistling sounds.

Way of life

Little is known about the life of Maskarenensturmvogels. All nests were found on cliffs in heath vegetation. The Maskarenensturmvogel breeds in the southern summer. The breeding season starts around December and the young fledge from February to March.

Inventory and risk

The Maskarenensturmvogel was long known only from four museum specimens from the 19th century until it has been from 1964 again sightings of this species in waters south of Réunion. 1970, 1973 and in January 1995, three dead petrels were found. Since then, five breeding sites, have been discovered with a population of 9 to 10 breeding pairs, in Réunion. A total of 26 birds have been spotted over the ocean 1978-1995, but there are no observations that were removed more than 500 km from Réunion. As with Barausturmvogel ( Pterodroma baraui ), which also occurs on Reunion, the main hazard is due to the predation by rats and feral cats. Another threat that affects just the inexperienced young birds is light - induced. The lighting of street lamps and lighting equipment on sports fields is the reason that the young birds are seriously injured in accidents and then die. The actual population size is unknown. BirdLife International estimates the stock at roughly 90-800 specimens and classified the species in the category of " threatened with extinction " ( critically endangered ).
