
Masculinism or Maskulismus refers to the advocacy of male rights or needs; the maintenance or dissemination of opinions, values, attitudes, etc. that are considered typically male; or an approach which relies on a natural causes male superiority.

According to the American sociologist and researcher Michael Kimmel men emerged masculinist men 's and fathers' rights groups in response to the feminism of the late 19th and early 20th century.


The term " masculinism " (or its English equivalent Masculinism ) was coined in the early 20th century. Arthur Brittan 1989 defined the term masculinism as the " ideology of patriarchy ," male dominance naturalisiere and legitimized. This conviction is of a part of the representatives of the men 's movement ( "men's rights movement " ) represented; Männerrechtler some describe themselves as Maskulinisten or so titled.

A study of the word " masculinism " in the English-and French -speaking world has shown that the term in English ( Masculinism ) usually refers to a patriarchal ideology or an androcentric perspective. In French ( masculinisme ) the word since the 1990s is mainly used for anti-feminist trends. Anti-feminists are themselves not agree on how they should be designated and fluctuate between the terms " Maskulinist " ( masculinist ), " Maskulist " ( Masculist "," Hominist "and" activist for the rights of men "or" fathers ".

According to Ferrell Christensen referred Maskulismus, analogous to the term feminism, a political view, which assumes that (also) Men discrimination and that this discrimination must be eliminated. Masculinism as a term originated in the early 20th century.

Occasionally, however, is also the term " Maskulismus " are used synonymously for the above definition of masculinism. A clear use of the term has not yet been fully established. For example, Daniel Boyarin argues that the term Maskulismus is problematic due to its terminological similarity to feminism because Maskulismus historically a project of male dominance over women is, whereas feminism does not seek a female dominance over men. Daniel Boyarin thus used " Maskulismus ", in relation to the traditional way of reading the Bible as a term for traditional masculinity ideology, and not as a term for the special (younger ) political trend of men's rights movement.
