Maurice Grammont

Maurice Grammont ( born April 15, 1866 in Damprichard, † October 17, 1946 in Montpellier) was a French linguist, Indo-Europeanist, phoneticians and Dialektologe.

Life and work

Grammont studied in Freiburg ( with Rudolf Thurneysen ), Berlin (with John Smith ) and at Paris ( Michel Bréal, Arsène Darmesteter, Jules Gilliéron, Gaston Paris, Henri d' Arbois de Jubainville and Ferdinand de Saussure ). He habilitated in the writings of La dissimilation consonantique dans les langues indo - européennes et dans les langues Romance and De liquidis sonantibus indagationes aliquot (both Dijon 1895). From 1892 to 1895 he taught linguistics in Dijon, 1895-1939, he held the Chair of grammar and philology at the University of Montpellier. In Montpellier, he founded in 1905 ( under the influence of the abbé Jean -Pierre Rousselot ) Laboratoire de phonétique expérimentale and published the Revue des langues Romance. Antoine Meillet was his mentor and friend.

Other works

  • Le patois de la Franche -Montagne et en particulier de Damprichard ( Franche -Comté ), Paris 1901
  • Le français verse, ses moyens d'expression, but harmony, Paris 1904
  • Petit traité de versification française, Paris 1911
  • La prononciation française et le français prononcé comment se, Paris 1913
  • Traité pratique de prononciation française, Paris 1914
  • Traite de phonétique, Paris 1933 [ main drive]
  • Phonétique du grec ancien, Lyon / Paris 1948
  • Essai de psychologie linguistique, style et poésie, Paris 1950