Maximum wage

As a maximum wage (also salary cap or maximum salary ) refers to a legal regime for the upper limit of what can get an individual of income. The maximum wage is a complementary concept to the minimum wage. Minimum wage as maximum wage are tools with which assets and income can be distributed in a society. In Sports Maximum wages, so-called Salary caps are common in the USA. In Germany there are about maximum wages for student assistants. In the history of maximum wages were, for example, in France in the 1790s in the wake of the French Revolution, adopted by the Jacobins in the so-called maximum law. This law was rejected mainly by artisans and workers and was one of the triggers for the overthrow of the rule of Robespierre.

On 1 June 2012, adopted by France's new president Francois Hollande, introduce a maximum wage for managers of state enterprises. Accordingly, the highest content may only be twenty times as high as the worst content in this operation.
