Meat tenderizer

A meat tenderizer or Plattiereisen is a kitchen tool slices of meat such as flachzuklopfen chips. It consists of a heavy, such as hand-sized metal plate having a laterally raised handle. Depending on the model the bottom of the plate is provided with a smooth or jagged profile.

Punches with the meat tenderizer, the tissue is loosened and the meat slice larger and flatter. In the kitchen of this language is called a crumbly or plating. Especially with profiled meat beaters the tissue structure can even be destroyed. So you should not or only lightly treated with a smooth meat mallet tender meat such as steaks. Profiled meat tenderizer used mainly for tenderizing tough, so bindegewebsreicher pieces of meat.

A meat hammer also serves the tenderizing tough cuts of meat. Due to its smaller, more strongly profiled face and the longer handle its effect is significantly stronger. Meat hammers are made ​​of wood or metal.
